How VERVE CYCLE Classes Can Boost Your Marathon Training

Marathon training is a rigorous journey that demands not only physical endurance but also mental strength. At VERVE Studios, our VERVE CYCLE classes provide an excellent form of cross-training that can significantly enhance your marathon preparation. Let’s explore how these classes can help you achieve your race goals, featuring insights from our members who are seasoned runners.

Rachel Dusa’s Marathon Journey

Rachel Dusa, who recently completed the San Diego Rock N’ Roll Half Marathon, shares a funny and memorable moment from her race:

“The half marathon was SO fun!! The most memorable AND funniest thing I experienced during the race was that there was a guy in the Marines running the same pace as me from mile 9 to mile 13.1. He was running behind me for pretty much all of those last 4 miles yelling out Marine chants and telling people to pick it up. At one point I wanted to stop and walk, but his voice motivated me to keep going. I really appreciated him coincidentally running near me because I don’t think I would’ve run as fast as I did if he wasn’t there. Super random, but something I will never forget :)”

Rachel attributes her success to the training she received at VERVE Studios:

“Training at VERVE Studios for this race significantly helped my overall performance during the half marathon. For this race I decided to just run for fun instead of focusing on my time and I’m so glad I did. I took months off of running from my last half which was back in January, but was still cycling so my body was prepared to take on the distance and intensity. Cross training on the bike also really helped me to prevent injuries leading up to the race, especially because I tend to get shin splints pretty easily. I love that spin is low impact but you’re still getting a high intensity workout in.”

Rachel also emphasizes the mental aspect of running:

“Running is definitely physically challenging but I’d say even more so, it’s mental. A lot of the mantras that our team of instructors repeat during class stuck with me on race day. The one thing I kept repeating to myself was Shannon’s mantra of, ‘If you tell yourself you can, you’re going to be right. Same thing if you tell yourself the opposite.’ Repeating this while running helped push me beyond boundaries I thought possible. Don’t forget to breathe and keep going. Every. Single. Step. Matters.”

Rachel’s advice for those training for a marathon:

“You can do anything you set your mind to! Just remember that long-distance running is 90% mental and 10% physical. Once you decide to go all in, get excited and enjoy the journey because as cheesy as it is, it’s the journey that makes the destination (the finish line) all worth it. I recommend utilizing cycling classes at least three times a week during your training months to cross-train and get a different form of cardio in. Getting stronger on the bike and increasing my endurance really helped me succeed on my feet in this race. Don’t forget to hydrate and do tons of stretching but most of all, have fun out there!”

Sophie P.’s Marathon Adventure

Sophie P., another dedicated member, shares her unique experience:

“Probably the most memorable moment was toward the end of the race after I passed the mile 22 marker. At that point, I was in a lot of pain and the end was near so I wasn’t grasping the concept of time. As I kept running, I saw (what looked to me) like mile markers that said 25. I had two voices in my head. One was saying ‘Wow! I guess those miles went by super fast, 23 and 24 must not have been marked. You’re SO close!!’ and the other was saying, ‘oh no- did I miss a turn somewhere and skip miles 23 and 24? There is no way I’m going to do my first marathon and have accidentally cheated it. I may be in pain, but if I’m doing this thing, I’m doing it right!’ But, there was nothing I could really do besides keep running at that point. So, I finally reach what I thought to be the mile 25 markers, and it turns out, they were just Rock N’ Roll advertisements stating that it was their 25th year!! It was so funny to me that all those thoughts were going through my brain and all it was was an ad.”

Despite signing up for the marathon just two days before the race, Sophie credits her success to her regular VERVE CYCLE sessions:

“My journey to this marathon is a little different than most. I actually had no intention of doing a marathon- ever. In fact, it was never even a thought. However, two days before the race, I was going to sign up for the half and I had an intrusive thought that said ‘just sign up for the full, it can’t be that bad!’ So, there I was, signing up for a marathon two days before race day, with no preparation at all. I say this because I can attribute my success in this race partly to VERVE. Because I never planned to do the race, I had not been training for it. However, I was riding at VERVE. I can say with confidence that getting on the saddle, getting my heart rate up, and working my muscles is one of the things that allowed me to get through the marathon.”

Sophie highlights the importance of mindset:

“Running for hours on end leaves a lot of time to yourself and to your thoughts, even if you are listening to music or a podcast or something. So, it is important that those thoughts consist of things that are going to build you up, not tear you down. Think about all the things our VERVE instructors say to us during class, so many of these things were running through my head throughout the race. For instance, I know in the last .2 of the race I was saying to myself over and over, ‘come on Sophie, you can do ANYTHING for 1 minute, just push for 1 more minute.’ That’s one of my favorites because it really is so true! We can do anything for 1 minute, 2, 5, and 10! We can do whatever we put our minds to and nothing has ever solidified this more for me than this race.”

Sophie’s tips for marathon training include starting early and incorporating cycling into your routine:

“My biggest piece of advice for anyone interested in training for a full or a half marathon would be to start early! I know I said I didn’t train for this one, but I definitely do not recommend that! For that race, I followed a 12-week training plan; however, I started incorporating running regularly into my routine months before I even began a training plan. In terms of incorporating cycling into your routine as an aspiring marathoner, I’d say you want to be clipping in about 2x per week. It’s really important that on days you are not running, you are doing some sort of cross-training that will enhance your running performance. That is exactly what spin does! And, in more ways than one! Getting on the bike will help both your endurance and your strength tremendously. When running, a lot of people only think about the endurance aspect and forget the strength aspect. It’s important to remember the stronger your legs, the longer and faster you can run!”

VERVE CYCLE classes offer an effective and enjoyable way to cross-train for marathons. Our community of runners like Rachel and Sophie have seen firsthand how incorporating cycling into their training routines has helped them prevent injuries, build endurance, and maintain a strong mental game. Whether you’re training for a half marathon or a full marathon, VERVE Studios is here to support you every step of the way. Join us for a ride and see how we can help you achieve your race goals!

New to VERVE Studios? Get your first week pass here to join us at our studios and start your training!

Author: VERVE Studios