How Indoor Cycling Reduces Back Pain and Strengthens Core Muscles


Indoor cycling at VERVE Studios is well-known for its cardiovascular and metabolic benefits. However, one lesser-known advantage is its ability to reduce back pain and strengthen core muscles. Let’s dive into how you can make the most of your VERVE CYCLE classes for your health.


1. Low-Impact Exercise

Indoor cycling is a fantastic low-impact exercise, perfect for those dealing with back pain. Unlike running or high-impact aerobics, cycling reduces strain on your spine and joints. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) notes that low-impact exercises like cycling can help alleviate lower back pain by promoting gentle movements that enhance circulation and flexibility without overloading the spine.

2. Improved Posture

Proper posture during indoor cycling is key to minimizing back pain. When done correctly, cycling encourages an upright posture that aligns your spine and engages your core muscles, reducing strain on the lower back. A study in the *Journal of Physical Therapy Science* found that maintaining proper posture during cycling can significantly decrease lower back pain by ensuring even distribution of spinal load .

3. Strengthening Supporting Muscles

Cycling targets various muscle groups, including the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps, which support your lower back. Strengthening these muscles helps stabilize your spine and reduces the likelihood of back pain. Research shows that stronger lower body muscles contribute to better spinal support and a lower incidence of back pain .


1. Engagement of Core Muscles

Indoor cycling isn’t just a lower body workout; it also engages your core muscles. When you pedal, your core muscles, including the abdominals and obliques, work to stabilize your body and maintain balance. This continuous engagement helps strengthen your core over time. A study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology highlights that cycling activates the core muscles, contributing to improved core strength and stability .

2. Enhanced Balance and Stability

A strong core is essential for balance and stability, both on and off the bike. During indoor cycling, maintaining balance on the saddle requires consistent core engagement, which not only strengthens the core but also improves overall stability. Enhanced stability can prevent injuries and promote better functional movement in daily activities .

3. Variety of Movements

Our VERVE CYCLE classes often incorporate various movements such as standing climbs, sprints, and handlebar push-ups. These movements require additional core activation and provide a comprehensive workout for the entire core region. By incorporating these dynamic movements, indoor cycling offers a versatile and effective way to strengthen your core .


To maximize the benefits of indoor cycling for back pain relief and core strengthening, consider these tips:

1. Proper Bike Setup: Ensure your bike is set up correctly to avoid unnecessary strain on your back. The seat height, handlebar position, and pedal alignment should be adjusted to suit your body. Ask our studio staff or your instructor for help with bike setup before class.
2. Maintain Good Posture: Focus on keeping your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and core engaged throughout the workout.
3. Warm-Up and Cool Down: Incorporate a proper warm-up and cool-down routine to prepare your muscles and prevent injury. Clip in early so you can warm up your legs before class starts.
4. Stay for the Stretch: Stick around after class to stretch the muscles you worked during class. This will help you recover and cool down before stepping into the rest of your day.

Indoor cycling is more than just a great cardio workout – it’s a fun way to banish back pain and build a rock-solid core! By hopping on a bike, you can enjoy a low-impact, energizing exercise that keeps your spine happy and boosts your overall balance. Plus, mixing up your routines and keeping good form ensures you get the most out of every ride. So, gear up, pedal hard, and feel the amazing benefits of indoor cycling!


1. American Council on Exercise. (n.d.). Low-Impact Exercise for Lower Back Pain. Retrieved from [ACE Fitness](
2. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. (2014). Effect of cycling posture on lumbar and hip movement. Retrieved from [PubMed](
3. Spine Health. (n.d.). Strengthening Muscles to Relieve Back Pain. Retrieved from [Spine Health](
4. European Journal of Applied Physiology. (2016). Activation of core muscles during cycling. Retrieved from [SpringerLink](
5. Harvard Health Publishing. (n.d.). Core Exercises to Improve Stability. Retrieved from [Harvard Health](
6. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. (2013). Effectiveness of dynamic movements in indoor cycling classes. Retrieved from [ResearchGate](

Author: VERVE Studios

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